45-Minute Personal Training Session & Sports Massage Therapy Sessions (5x5 or 6x4 ratio) Choose either to complete your fitness journey. Each session provides a unique focus on strength and mobility training or restorative therapy, designed to help you achieve maximum results while reducing the risk of injury. Whether you're targeting weight loss, improved athletic performance, or stress relief, our customized programs deliver the perfect balance of fitness and recovery. Why Choose ABPfit? ✅ Expertise: A collaborative team of Gabrielle Price-Thompson (Coach Fiya), a Licensed Medical & Sports Massage Therapist and Master Trainer, and Dave Thompson (Coach SupahDave), a Master Trainer and Nutrition Coach. ✅ Customization: Tailored to your unique fitness and recovery goals. ✅ Value: Save with bundled sessions and achieve unparalleled results through personalized care. 📲 Book now and discover the Afterburn Performance+ difference!
45-Minute Personal Training & Sports Massage Sessions
Choose either to complete your fitness journey.
Each session provides a unique focus on strength and mobility training or restorative therapy, designed to help you achieve maximum results while reducing the risk of injury. Whether you're targeting weight loss, improved athletic performance, or stress relief, our customized programs deliver the perfect balance of fitness and recovery.
✅ Expertise: A collaborative team of Gabrielle Price-Thompson (Coach Fiya), a Licensed Medical & Sports Massage Therapist and Master Certified Personal Trainer, and Dave Thompson (Coach SupahDave), a Master Certified Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach.
✅ Customization: Tailored to your unique fitness and recovery goals.
✅ Value: Save with bundled sessions and achieve unparalleled results through personalized care. Recovery &